• 个性签名
  • 格言大全
  • 名言大全
  • 笑话大全
  • 知识问答
  • 生活家居
  • 星座运势
  • 宝宝起名
  • 休闲爱好
  • 百科大全
  • 芭比娃娃完整版教学(八步广场舞文案有趣)

    栏目: dj舞曲 日期:2023-12-25 10:41:10 浏览量(来源:小卫












    Hi Barbie
    Hi Ken
    You wanna go for a ride?
    Sure Ken.
    Jump In...
    I am a Barbie girl, in a Barbie world
    Life in plastic, it is fantastic.
    You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere.
    Imagination, life is your creation.
    Come on Barbie, let is go party!
    Iam a blond bimbo girl, in a fantasy world,
    Dress me up, make it tight, Iam your darling.
    You are my doll, rock are roll, feel the glamour in pink,
    Kiss me here, touch me there, hanky panky.
    You can touch, you can play, if you say: "Iam always yours"
    You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere.
    Imagination, life is your creation.
    Come on Barbie, let us go party!
    Ah, Ah, Ah, yea.
    Come on Barbie, let us go party!
    uu-oooh.. uu-oooh..
    Make me walk, make me talk, do whatever you please,
    I can act like a star, I can beg on my knees.
    Come jump in, be my friend, let us do it again,
    hit the town, fool around, let is go party.
    You can touch, you can play, if you say: "Iam always yours"
    Come on Barbie, let us go party!
    Come on Barbie, let us go party!
    uu-oooh.. uu-oooh..
    Come on Barbie, let us go party!
    Ah, Ah, Ah, yea.
    Come on Barbie, let us go party!
    uu-oooh.. uu-oooh..
    Iam a Barbie girl, in a Barbie world
    Life in plastic, it us fantastic.
    You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere.
    Imagination, life is your creation.
    Iam a Barbie girl, in a Barbie world
    Life in plastic, it us fantastic.
    You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere.
    Imagination, life is your creation.
    Come on Barbie, let us go party!
    Ah, Ah, Ah, yea.
    Come on Barbie, let us go party!
    uu-oooh.. uu-oooh..
    Come on Barbie, let us go party!
    Ah, Ah, Ah, yea.
    Come on Barbie, let us go party!
    uu-oooh.. uu-oooh..
    Oh, Iam having so much fun!
    Well Barbie, we are just getting started.

    蹦迪六十六步广场舞, 教程一步一步来广场舞, 快乐桑巴健身操广场舞, 北京丰台花园老年广场舞, 老年十六步广场舞烟花三月下扬州, 广场舞大全教学哑巴新娘分解, 广场舞飞附教学, 吉祥三宝一0001广场舞, 广场舞17步子舞英文歌曲, 杨艺广场舞教学视频吉祥, 芭比娃娃完整版教学
